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Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Design Of Cantilever Desk

The Cantilever desk has obvious problems of balance. I have tried to counter balance the desk with a support that runs along the floor and this seems to have stopped tipping problem at least on the model....

I plan to do the desk top, and shelves in veneer on MDF this means I can have incredible looking dark wood for the desk top. I am currently thinking Rose Wood, Macassar Ebony or Walnut. Macassar Ebony I think is the way i am going to go. The supporting struts will be Sycamore as will the base to off set the darkness of the desk top and shelves and for weight and strength.

Any balance issues that occur on the full size piece should be easily rectifiable through adding weight...I hope...

Cantilever desk design

Saturday, 12 January 2013

Cherry Occasional Table.Complete

The Finished article. Cherry wood is starting to darken at looks quite spectacular in its new home... sold
Please look at other posts to see table under construction.